It doesn't seem like too long ago that Brooke was selling her stuff on craigslist and getting organized to move across the Atlantic. Now she's already getting settled in Amsterdam, and we are the ones selling our stuff and getting organized to move. Time flies.
We've already sold a lot of our furniture (couches, tv stand, computer desk, etc.). I'm personally amazed at how easy craigslist works. This was my first time using the website, and I was a bit skeptical...but it works like a charm.
We have a lot of other things that we need to sell - we're going to have a big yard sale next month - but I thought it would be cool to give you, our faithful blog readers, first dibs on some of the items. Below is a list of what we're selling. If you're interested, email us; I'll even send you a picture if you'd like! First come, first serve.
Carpet from Pier One $80 (originally $300 - 3 years old in great shape!)
2 newer lamps $10 a piece
Bedroom Suite $150 for the set (2 dressers & 1 bedside table - from the 50s solid wood art deco style)
Kitchen Cabinet $25
Microwave $25
Toaster oven $10
Blender (w/ food processor) $50
Coffee Maker $50 (carafe holds 12 cups)
2 small book shelves $10 a piece
Crock pot $20
Bed head board $20
Shredder $10
Some of these items we need to keep for a little bit longer, so we'll hold them for you if you're interested.
Happy shopping!
24 August 2008
Everything Must Go!!!
18 August 2008
The Pershing Camp Picnic
Well, we just got back from another amazing annual Pershing Camp Picnic. Every year, since I (Amanda) was a kid, I've gone to this little rustic cabin in northeast Pennsylvania with all my family. When I was a kid, I'd spend my time jumping in the creek, catching crayfish (with my bare hands) and eating a LOT of candy. Now I don't jump in the creek, and I think I've turned into a total wimp cause I can't seem to catch a crayfish anymore, but I still ate a LOT of candy!
My family is a total blast. It has been amazing to go from being one of the little kids waiting for Grandma Ruth to bring the water guns to being one of the "grown ups". Now a new generation has arrived and it was such a sweet thing to see them enjoying the fun of the Camp Picnic with the amazement that I once had. Every year is so packed with precious moments. This year did not disappoint...we had lots of stories, crazy loud songs till 4am, 12 year olds learning to chop wood, Nancy's homemade whoopie pies, one great walk, 3 new babies, totally illegal fireworks, and I think we burned an entire cord of wood with our blazing campfire!
Best of all, I got to say goodbye to some of my dear family who are all wishing us well on our way to Amsterdam. I know it is a rare thing to stay connected with such extended family. I thank God for it. I can't wait to come back in two years and hopefully bring a few good stories to tell round the fire! Here's a few pictures to paint the picture. Enjoy.
12 August 2008
Thirty, Skype & Soccer
I (john) just turned 30 on Sunday. Everyone keeps asking me what it feels like to be in my thirties now...but I just don't have an answer. I guess that becoming a father this year on top of moving to another country to plant a church in a month and a half sort of makes my age seem insignificant. I just hope that everything I was "supposed" to learn in my twenties sticks, so that I don't have to go through the same lessons again in my thirties! We'll see...
Amanda and I were able to connect with Eric & Julia yesterday over Skype, which was pretty fun. (If you haven't downloaded Skype yet, get on it!) It was good to see their faces and hear how things are going in Amsterdam. God is so good. They have already had opportunities to talk to people about Jesus, and I could just tell how energized they were from that. They have also secured an apartment, which is another gift from God. Not only is it located pretty close to where we were hoping, but they got a great deal on it. And it only took little over a week; they move in this coming Friday.One last thing: the US and Dutch soccer teams drew on Sunday at the Olympics, 2-2. A bummer for everyone in the States and in Holland, as a win for either team would've been significant, but a pretty good deal for me! Seems like a perfect result for an American moving to Holland. Plus I think those Orange jerseys are pretty sweet.
06 August 2008
Grayson Lewis
Thought it would be good to update you on the youngest missionary in our family, Grayson.
- He turned 6 months on August 2nd
- He's been eating solid foods for about two weeks now - rice cereal, bananas, avocados & pears. Bananas seem to be his favorite!
- He's just started sitting up on his own (mostly) about a week ago; seems determined to start crawling soon.
- He is incredibly active - is almost never content to sit still. He's very curious, always looking around and checking out his surroundings. Look out when he starts crawling!
- He is sleeping GREAT. Will usually fall asleep around 7:30pm without too much fuss, and typically sleeps straight through until about 7am...with the occasional wake-up around 4. Much much nicer than every two hours! And it seems as though he's starting to get a nap time routine too.
- He got to play in a pool for the first time at Joshua House's Breathe Festival...and LOVED it!
- He just had his very last check-up with an American pediatrician on Monday. Next scheduled visit is in Amsterdam!
05 August 2008
A Couple Fun Pictures
Thought it would be fun to post these two pictures: Eric & Julia's last teaching to Joshua House at Breathe. I love the picture of Julia - people's heads are turned because she just called out Connor for not having sunblock on. Illustrates how they have led for all these years, naturally-supernatural. There is no pretension in Eric and Julia. They are genuine followers of Jesus which is why I am so excited to follow them to Amsterdam.
If you get a chance, head over to their blog and drop an encouraging comment. And continue to pray that God would sovereignly direct them as they look for an apartment.
04 August 2008
The Pickerills (already) in Amsterdam
3. Refine list of items you plan to move.
4. Begin list of items you need to purchase in Amsterdam.
5. Finalize health insurance policy for U.S. and International coverage.
6. List current and future banking routing and account numbers.
7. Purchase moving and packing supplies.
SUPPORT UPDATE: We have reached 100% of our needed monthly support for the first year on the field! Praise God, and thank you all so much who have sacrificed to make this mission possible. We're still accepting commitments (both one-time and monthly), as support will likely fall off over time, but no longer have to actively raise funds. We are so grateful that our last two months in the States can be focused on moving and connecting w/ friends & family!
01 August 2008
Article in the Dispatch
You know you've made it big when the Columbus Dispatch runs a story on you. Next thing you know, the AP has picked up the lead and Vineyard Amsterdam is all over the New York Times, CNN & the BBC.
Even bigger, perhaps, is the write-up in The Mix (click on the "August 2008" cover for the pdf file), Vineyard Columbus's monthly publication. Be sure to check them both out!
Team Update: Eric and Connor have arrived safely in Holland, and are probably looking for an apartment as we speak. It is odd to think that the next time I see the Pickerill family will be in Amsterdam in two months.